Smart Portfolios

Capitalize on Financial Innovation with eToro's Fin-Tech Smart Portfolio

Hey there, investor! Are you excited about the mind-blowing changes happening in the world of finance? Mobile apps replacing traditional banks, cryptocurrencies challenging fiat money, and blockchain revolutionizing how ...

eToro's AI-Revolution Portfolio: Diversified Exposure to the AI Megatrend

eToro's AI-Revolution is an innovative investment product that provides diversified exposure to the exciting world of artificial intelligence. This "smart portfolio" contains a curated basket of stocks of companies ...

Thematic Investing Takes Flight: An Inside Look at eToro's DroneTech Smart Portfolio

Drones or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have gone from a military technology to a consumer craze to a transformative force disrupting countless industries. What started as expensive toys for ...

Investing in Virtual Worlds: A Closer Look at eToro's MetaverseLife Portfolio

Have you ever imagined a world where the physical and digital realms seamlessly blend? A world where you can attend virtual concerts, shop in immersive online stores, or even ...

eToro's Smart Portfolios Explained

Investing can be a daunting task, especially for those new to the world of finance. With so many options available, it's often challenging to decide where to allocate your ...